315 Main St So
Pine City, MN - 55063
(320) 591-1570
Pine County Health and Human Services Details
SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, helps low-income Minnesotans get the food they need for nutritious and balanced meals.
Households whose income is 165% or less of the federal poverty line and who also received the Domestic Violence Information Booklet will not have an asset limit to determine benefits.
If your family meets one of the following criteria, you may quickly receive food benefits even if you are in another state during the month of application:
Households with monthly gross incomes less than $150 and liquid assets less than $100M or seasonal agricultural workers households who are low income and $100 or less in liquid assetHouseholds in which combined monthly gross income and liquid assets are less than their monthly housing costs and the applicable standard utility deduction, if any.
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) SNAP, formerly know as Food Stamps, helps Minnesotans with low incomes get the food they need for nutritious and well-balanced meals. The program provides support to help stretch your household food budget. It is not intended to meet all of your h
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