204-1st St NW
Aitkin, MN - 56431
(218) 927-7200
Aitkin County Health and Human Service Agency Details
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP, formerly know as Food Stamps, helps Minnesotans with low
incomes get the food they need for nutritious and well-balanced meals.
The program provides support to help stretch your household food budget.
It is not intended to meet all of your household's food needs.
It is a
If you are approved for SNAP, you can use your benefits at many stores, farmers markets and senior dining sites.
Income and assets
SNAP eligibility depends on your household's income.
types of income are counted.
There are many deductions from income that
are allowed under SNAP.
A county worker can give you more information on
income limits and deductions.
Households with an income at or below 165 percent of the federal poverty guideline that have also received the Domestic Violence Information Brochure (PDF) will not have an asset limit for determining benefits.
You can print the brochure from the link provided or ask for it at your county or tribal office (PDF).
Then, just tell your county worker that you have received the brochure.
Self-screening tool
This screening tool (PDF)
asks a few questions to help you find out if you may qualify for SNAP.
The screening tool only estimates your eligibility.
The only way to know
for sure if you qualify is to complete the application process.
Spanish - screening tool (PDF)
Emergency SNAP
You may receive food benefits quickly if your household
meets one of the following criteria, even if you had SNAP in another
state during the month of application:
Households with monthly gross income less than $150 and liquid assets less than $100
Migrant or seasonal farm-worker households that have low income and $100 or less in liquid assets
Households in which the combined monthly gross
income and liquid assets are less than their monthly housing costs and
the applicable standard utility deduction, if applicable.Benefits
The amount of benefits you get is based on your
income, expenses and the number of people in your household.
If approved
for the program, you will get an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
It is like a debit card.
Each month, your benefits will be
credited to your EBT account.
During the month, you use your card to purchase
food at stores that display a poster or sign that reads: "We Accept
Grocery stores and convenience stores must sell a variety of foods
to be approved to accept EBT.
The card also may be used at authorized
sites for Meals on Wheels and congregate dining.
Many farmers markets
also accept EBT.
Learn more by reading the SNAP FAQs or How to Use your Minnesota EBT Card (PDF).
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